Rachael Cabreira RN,BSN,FNP-C, Certified Sexual Health Clinician Reports:
Our Sexual Health is So important for So Many Reason!! Health Benefits that have been research and proven due to sexual activity include:

Men who have sex 2+/week cut their risk of an acute MI in half.
Weight loss

30 minutes of sex burns 85 calories. Boosts immune system

Regular sex increases serum immunoglobulin A, which reduces the risk of colds and flu. Strengthens pelvic floor muscles

Women who perform Kegel exercises during sex reduce their future risk of urine incontinence. Reduced risk of prostate cancer

Men who have 5+ ejaculations/week have a lower risk of prostate cancer in later life. Stress reduction

Endorphins released during and after sex create a sense of euphoria, and reduce stress and blood pressure. Reduces pain and increases pain tolerance

The effect is attributed to increased oxytocin levels, which alleviate arthritic and menstrual pain. Improved sleep hygiene

Sex relaxes and promotes deeper, more restful sleep.
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Rachael Cabreira FNP-C has dedicated a greater part of her career as a certified sexual health clinician. Her broad knowledge, and clinical expertise of female and male sexuality, have become apart of providing ability to offer not only clinical evaluation with developing and individual treatment plan, coaching, but also counseling to fulfill the needs of optimal success and quality of life. She offers short-term solutions-focused sexual therapy, with a health coaching approach to optimize wellbeing and enhanced quality of life.
Schedule a visit today to explore your options and needs for a healthier you!!