Rachael Cabreira has 25 years of experience to treat and resolving your urinary incontinence at Walnut Creek to improve your quality of life. She practices functional medicine, which the goal is to treat the cause, not just the symptom.
Feel Empowered that there are many options, treatments, and resources to resolve your symptoms!
Enjoy the Freedom you deserve!
Now taking most insurances.
Treating Women With Symptoms Of:
Urinary Incontinence Walnut Creek
Urinary Tract Infections
Pelvic Prolapse
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Pelvic Pain
Vulvovagianl Atrophy (Dry Vaginal Tissue)
Services include consult, counseling, evaluation, and treatment options individualized for personal consult
Telephone consultations
Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation [PTNS]
Pessary Consultation, Evaluation, Care, and Maintenance
Breast Cancer Survivorship program for women who suffer with vulvovaginal atrophy and pelvic pain
Medication Therapy Options
Hormone Therapy Options
Urinary incontinence Walnut Creek
Behavioral Modifications
Support Groups
Educational Seminars
Motivational/ Educational Speaker for Private/ Public Events
Now taking most insurances
Program for Women Who Suffer with Vulvovaginal Atrophy and Pelvic Pain
Why does my vagina hurt and why is it impacting my intimate and sexual wellbeing after surviving breast cancer?
Rachael Cabreira has dedicated her expertise to treat, nurture, and heal breast cancer survivors who are suffering with vulvovaginal atrophy and pelvic pain. In addition, Rachael has collaborated with breast cancer survivor groups, and colleagues who are passionate to offer a multi-disciplinary approach of options and resources to provide individualized treatment plans for optimal outcomes and improving quality of life.
Truly, and very dear to my heart, the inspiration to dedicate my expertise and passion has been driven by my breast cancer patients, and what their unique needs are.
The first day I sat with a breast cancer survivor, she just cried, and she said “I’m a Survivor” and looking in her eyes of courage, strength, and beauty, I held her hand and said “ Yes, not only are you a Survivor, but you are a Beautiful Woman, and Feel Empowered that the strength you have within will make you shine forever!”
At that moment I knew that I had a new meaning to my career, and I have strived to learn, research, and develop options that are becoming the new generation of medicine and can be offered to resolve these intimate symptoms.
I believe intimacy, pelvic and sexual health is a basic human right and a vital component of wellness that start from within, and we need to start talking about it!!
Rachael Cabreira, Founder and C.E.O of Innovative Wellness Inc.
Schedule an Appointment with Rachael today! It's time to become a New Woman!!